Code of Conduct and Behavior Policy
Full Consent Text:
“I acknowledge that by enrolling in a course at SchoolCentral Training Academy, I am agreeing to adhere to the following Code of Conduct to ensure a positive, respectful, and professional learning environment for all participants:
1. Respectful Behavior
Respect for Others: I agree to treat all instructors, fellow learners, and SchoolCentral staff with respect. This includes being considerate of diverse opinions, backgrounds, and experiences in all forms of communication—whether written or verbal, during in-person or virtual sessions.
Harassment and Discrimination: I understand that any form of harassment, bullying, or discrimination based on race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or other protected characteristics is strictly prohibited and will result in immediate disciplinary action.
2. Professional Communication
Language and Tone: I agree to use appropriate language and tone when communicating in discussion forums, group activities, emails, or live sessions. Offensive, threatening, or inappropriate language will not be tolerated.
Participation: I commit to engaging in discussions, group activities, and practical sessions in a constructive and professional manner. I will contribute positively to the learning experience and be mindful of how my actions affect others.
3. Academic Integrity
Plagiarism and Cheating: I understand that submitting work that is not my own or copying from others is considered plagiarism and will result in disciplinary action, including potential removal from the course. I agree to submit original work for all assignments, projects, and assessments.
Collaboration vs. Cheating: While collaboration on certain group activities is encouraged, I will ensure that all individual assignments, assessments, and exams are completed independently, unless group work is explicitly authorized by the instructor.
4. Attendance and Participation
Attendance Requirements: For both in-person and virtual courses, I understand that regular attendance is required to successfully complete the course. Absenteeism without prior notice may affect my progress and certification eligibility.
Engagement in Online Learning: For online courses, I agree to regularly log into the learning platform, participate in discussions, complete assignments on time, and attend any scheduled live sessions.
5. Digital Etiquette
Use of Technology: I will use SchoolCentral’s online platform and tools responsibly. I agree not to disrupt virtual classes or group discussions with inappropriate behavior, such as sharing offensive content, hacking, or unauthorized recordings.
Privacy: I will respect the privacy of others in the course and will not share personal information, images, or recordings of others without their explicit consent.
6. Consequences for Violations
I understand that failure to comply with this Code of Conduct may result in:
- Warning: A formal warning from SchoolCentral staff or instructors.
- Suspension: Temporary suspension from the course or specific online activities.
- Expulsion: Permanent removal from the course without refund.
- Legal Action: In cases of severe misconduct, such as harassment, threats, or illegal activity, SchoolCentral reserves the right to pursue legal action.
7. Reporting Violations
I acknowledge that any violation of the Code of Conduct can be reported to All reports will be handled with confidentiality, and appropriate actions will be taken based on the nature and severity of the violation.”